46:3-17.2. Tenancy by entirety
A tenancy
by entirety shall be created when:
a. A husband and wife
together take title to an interest in real property or personal property under
a written instrument designating both of their names as husband and wife; or
b. A husband and wife become
the lessees of real property or personal property under a written instrument
containing an option to purchase designating both of their names as husband and
wife; or
c. An owner spouse conveys or
transfers an interest in real property or personal property to the non-owner
spouse and the owner spouse jointly under written instrument designating both
of their names as husband and wife.
Language which states ".......
and ......., his wife" or "........ and ........, her husband"
shall be deemed to create a tenancy by the entirety.
L. 1987,c.357, s.5.
46:3-17.3. Property interest
No instrument creating a property interest on the
part of a husband and wife shall be construed to create a tenancy in common or
a joint tenancy unless it is expressed therein or manifestly appears from the
tenor of the instrument that it was intended to create a tenancy in common or
joint tenancy.
Written consent of both spouses
Neither spouse may sever, alienate, or otherwise
affect their interest in the tenancy by entirety during the marriage or upon
separation without the written consent of both spouses.

L. 1987, c. 357, s.7.
46:3-17.5. Surviving spouse sole owner
Upon the
death of either spouse, the surviving spouse shall be deemed to have owned the
whole of all rights under the original instrument of purchase, conveyance, or
transfer from its inception.
46:3-17. Tenancies in
common; joint tenancies
From and after February fourth, one thousand eight
hundred and twelve, no estate shall be considered and adjudged to be an estate
in joint tenancy, except it be expressly set forth in the grant or devise
creating such estate that it was or is the intention of the parties to create
an estate in joint tenancy and not an estate of tenancy in common, any law,
usage, or decision theretofore made, to the contrary notwithstanding.
46:3-17.1. Joint tenancies;
conveyance of real estate, hereafter made, by the grantor therein, to himself
and another or others, as joint tenants shall, if otherwise valid, be as fully
effective to vest an estate in joint tenancy in such real estate in the
grantees therein named, including the grantor, as if the same had been conveyed
by the grantor therein to a third party and by such third party to said
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