Thursday, September 5, 2019

Directive #13-19 Denial of a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order

Directive #13-19[Questions may be directed to the Municipal Division at 609-815-2900 ext. 54850 or the Family Practice Division at 609-815-2900 ext. 55350] 
Glenn A. Grant, J . A . D ~Denial of a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order 
Date: July 10, 2019 
This Directive promulgates the protocol, as approved by the Supreme Court, to be employed when a plaintiff seeks an Immediate De Novo Hearing for the denial of a domestic violence Temporary Restraining Order/Complaint (TRO) by the Municipal Court. 
Currently, victims of domestic violence can make an application for a TRO in the Municipal Courts when the Superior Court is closed. However, if the victim requests a de novo review of the Municipal Court denial, the victim must wait until the Superior Court is open for business. The safety of a domestic violence victim is always of utmost concern, and during a weekend or holiday, a victim may wait two to three days for a de novo hearing. Therefore, effective October 1, 2019, if the victim requests an immediate de novo review for the denial of a TRO, the following procedure must be employed: 
  • The Municipal Court judge must advise the victim, on the record, that the victim has the right to an immediate review of the TRO denial to an on-call Superior Court judge. 
  • If the victim wishes to exercise this right, law enforcement shall contact an on- call Superior Court judge. 
  • This on-call Superior Court judge will review the same TRO/Complaint that was presented·to the Municipal judge. 
  • The Superior Court judge will conduct a hearing on the TRO/Complaint telephonically and make a decision whether to grant or deny the TRO as outlined in the Domestic Violence Procedures Manual (DVPM). 
Subject: Municipal/Family - 
Immediate De Novo Hearing for the Municipal Court
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex P.OBox 037 ° TrentonNew Jersey 08625-0037 

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